The Ascendger
We are friends & your Servicing Partner
We are a group of good friends that have been serving the academic & research institutions for more than 25 years, and now we are joining our hands together, to bring up all our energy and experience to serve you with our utmost patient, passion, and perseverance.
Our Publishers
Ascendger represent more than 30 publishers globally, mainly from US, UK, and Europe. We represent ACCUCOMS exclusively for SEA, Taiwan, China, HongKong, and Macau. We represent J-GATE, the world's largest journal discovery gateway in China & SEA. We also corporate with DRILLBIT, the newest plagiarism checker using AI and Machine Learning technologies. At Ascendger, we offer best solutions & service to Libraries, on the other hand, we provide firm distribution networks for publisher in South-East Asia, Taiwan, China, and HongKong.

ACCUCOMS is the leading provider of sales and marketing services to academic and professional publishers worldwide. We have extensive expertise in global representation, tele-sales, training and business intelligence services for clients ranging from large publishing houses to specialist society publishers. We are a global company with teams operating in The Netherlands, North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, India, Taiwan, South East Asia and South Korea. ACCUCOMS works on behalf of highly reputable publishers to help boost their sales, expand their readership, and increase customer retention and engagement worldwide.

JGATE has indexed 53,000+ English journals of the world, that provides 73M of articles, and 21M of the articles come with original full-text documents.
JGATE is the best way for the institution to save cost as it covers tremendous amount of journals but with affordable pricing, which will give your researchers the best place to discover information they need.
World's largest journal discovery gateway

WDL gives your researchers a platform to find more than 1.0M of dissertations & theses over the internet. It provides translation of abstracts from all languages to English, and a special feature called Graphical Abstracts which captures all graphical information within the dissertation and display it at the front part of the title. "Same Advisor" dissertations, "Related" & "Hot" dissertations are also some great features to help your researchers to find important information effectively. WDL also provides University's information in terms of world-ranking, major subjects, and special projects of the particular university.

Ebooks Library

Contact Us
Ascendger Information Service Co., Ltd.
+66 62 3388 928